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Small World

4 Maps (2 × Double-Sided Boards)
6 Player Summary Sheets
14 Fantasy Race Banners
1 Blank Fantasy Race Banner
168 Matching Race Tokens (15 × Amazons, 8 × Dwarves, 11 × Elves, 10 × Ghouls, 13 × Ratmen, 20 × Skeletons, 18 × Sorcerers, 11 × Tritons, 11 × Giants, 11 × Halflings, 10 × Humans, 10 × Orcs, 10 × Trolls, 10 × Wizards)
18 Lost Tribe Tokens
20 Unique Special Power Badges
1 Blank Special Power Badge
10 Troll Lairs
6 Fortresses
9 Mountains
5 Encampments
2 Holes-in-the-Ground
2 Heroes
1 Dragon
109 Victory Coins (30 × "10", 24 × "5", 20 × "3", 35 × "1")
1 Reinforcement Die (Custom d6 0,0,0,1,2,3)
1 Game Turn Marker
1 Rules Booklet

Fee: CA$ 0.00 for 7 days

Location: Keele Borrowing Centre
Condition: A - As new/Comme neuf
Brand: Days of Wonder
Code: YBC1063

2–5 Players
40–80 Min

Control one fantasy race after another to expand quickly throughout the land.

Picking the right combination from the 14 different fantasy races and 20 unique special powers, players rush to expand their empires - often at the expense of weaker neighbors. Yet they must also know when to push their own over-extended civilization into decline and ride a new one to victory!

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