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Risk: The Game of Strategic Conquest (Revised Edition!)

Purposefully not sleeved

1 game board
5 armies with 40 infantry
12 cavalry and 8 artillery each deck of 43 cards
5 dice
2 reference cards

Fee: CA$ 0.00 per 7 days

A deposit of CA$ 20.00 is due when this item is borrowed.

Location: UofT St. George Item Library
Condition: B - Good/Bien
Brand: Parker Brothers
Code: YBC0184
Serial: 6 53569 32695 3

Players: 2-6
Age: 10+

This is not the traditional Risk! This is a revised edition.

The classic wargame Risk has been updated and revised for 2008. The graphics and components are brand new. Major and minor objectives have been added, along with cities and capitals, plus rewards for completing objectives.

The new version has a drastically changed victory condition: complete three objectives while controlling your capital. This shortens the game playing time to around 90 minutes.

There are three rule sets: Basic Training, Command Room and World Conquest. Basic Training is an introduction to the new Risk rules and includes a pre-existing setup for 3, 4 or 5 players. Command Room adds a randomized setup and rewards for achieving objectives. Both Basic Training and Command Room end when a player controls three objectives.

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